Thursday, February 5, 2009


Center for Science and Environment (CSE):



The Center for Science and Environment (CSE) is a public research and advocacy organization based in New Delhi. CSE researches into, lobbies for and communicates the urgency of development that is both sustainable and equitable. The scenario today demands using knowledge to bring about change. This organization is working on it.


The challenge that this organization is facing is two-pronged. On the one hand, millions live within a biomass based subsistence economy, at the margin of survival. The environment is their only natural asset. But a degraded environment means stress on land, water and forest resources for survival. Here, opportunity to bring about change is enormous.

On the other hand, rapid industrialization is throwing up new problems like growing toxification and a costly disease burden.


The Center's efforts are build around five board programmes as follows:

1.     Communication for awarness

2.     Research and Advocacy

3.     Education and training

4.     Knowledge Portal

5.     Pollution monitoring


Down To Earth (DTE):



In May 1992, the Society for Environment Communications started India's only science and environment fortnight, Down To Earth (DTE).


Over the years the magazine has informed and inspired people about environmental threats facing India and the world. DTE has become a reading habit in 400 out of about 500 districts of the country i.e. more than any other Indian newspaper or magazine.


DTE's sphere of influence is not just limited to India. Numerous readers across the world rely on the magazine for a comprehensive view from the South on the most critical issues of human existence. The online version of DTE is an effort to reach more people and to use all the interactive elements that new medium has to offer.

C.P.R. Environment Education Center:



C.P.R. Environment Education Center (CPREEC) is a Center of Excellence of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India, established jointly by the Minister and the C.P. Ramaswami Aivar Foundation.


The Center has been a pioneer in environment education efforts in South India and has conducted a variety of programmer to spread awareness and knowledge of key target groups (school children, local communities, woman etc) about the various aspects of environment.


The main objectives of this Center is as follows:

1.     Promoting Environmental Awareness

2.     Strengthening Capacities of Education and practioners

3.     Understanding the major environmental issues

4.     Promoting conservation of ecological tradition of India


Concern India Foundation (CIF):



Started in 1991, Concern India Foundation is a non-profit, public charitable trust that supports development-oriented organizations working for the disadvantaged.

Concern India Foundation believes that disadvantaged need opportunities not charity and provides financial and non-financial support to development-oriented organizations working at the grassroots level to bring about positive change.

Concern India Foundation focuses on core issues essential to sustainable social development.

·        EDUCATION

·        HEALTH


Concern India Foundation reaches out to more than 150 programs through its office in Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and Pune.



The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Environment and Development (CISED):


The Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Environment and Development (CISED) is an autonomous centre promoted by the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) for bridging the social and natural sciences. CISED aims to promote environmentally sound and socially just development by contributing critically and constructively to public and academic debates.

CISED Research Areas are:
Natural Resource Management:

·        Forests and Common Lands

·        Water

·        Multi-Sectoral Likages

Energy and Pollution:

·        Nuclear Energy


Yamuna Action Plan (YAP):



Yamuna Action Plan (YAP) is being implemented since April 1993 for water pollution abatement and conservation of the river Yamuna, one of major tributaries of the river Ganga, by the National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD), Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) of the Government of India (GOI) in 12 towns of Haryana, 8 towns of Uttar Pradesh, and Delhi. The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) is participating in Yamuna Action Plan in 15 of the above 21 towns (excluding 6 towns of Haryana included in 1997 on the direction of the honourable Supreme Court of India) with soft loan assistance of 17.773 billion Japanese Yen (equivalent to about Rs. 700 crore INR) while GOI is providing the funds for the remaining 6 towns.





Bhoovigyan Vikas Foundation (BVF):



The Bhoovigyan Vikas Foundation (BVF) is a highly committed and motivated consortium of Earth Science and Social Science Professionals, working towards the common goal of 'saving our planet', through various activities designed to achieve 'sustainable development' and 'sustainable life styles', conforming to the post agenda 21 scenario.


The Foundation was formally launched at New Delhi on 21st April 2001. It is also a part of the World Earthday Network.



Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment (ATREE):




ATREE was established in 1996 to combine principles of natural and social sciences to conserve biodiversity and promote sustainable development; and, to build the necessary social and human capital needed to address our most pressing environmental challenges. ATREE deals with the issues relating to India's rapidly diminishing biological resources and natural ecosystems, and the environmental, social and economic dimensions and implications of this decline. ATREE has a network of four offices and field stations across India, through which it works to develop social and human capital to address environmental issues at local, regional and national levels.


The programmes at ATREE are designed to enhance the prospects for conservation by working with civil society, local communities, and policy makers on the one hand, and by scientific research on the other.





























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